报告人:范久瑜 (四川大学)
时间:2021/8/31 10:00-11:00
地点:腾讯会议 ID: 926 566 080
In this talk, we give a formula for the number of lattice points in the dilations of Schubert matroid polytopes, which can also be interpreted as weighted enumeration of certain lattice paths. As applications, we obtain the Ehrhart polynomials of hypersimplices and minimal matroid polytopes as simple special cases. We show that all sparse paving Schubert matroids are Ehrhart positive and are coefficient-wisely bounded by the minimal and uniform matroids. Furthermore, we express the Ehrhart polynomials of several families of Schubert matroids as positive combinations of the Ehrhart polynomials of hypersimplices, yielding Ehrhart positivity of these Schubert matroids.
邀请人:白占强, 董超平