报告题目:Strong positive recurrence for surface diffeomorphisms
报告人: Sylvain Crovisier(巴黎第十一大学,CNRS研究员)
时间:2021年10月14日 14:30-15:30
腾讯会议:会议ID:342 568 698
The dynamics of uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms is well understood: there exists finitely many
measures which describe the asymptotic behaviour of almost every trajectory; their statistical propertiesare similar to those satisfied by independent random variables.
I will introduce a new property for diffeomorphisms (the strong positive recurrence) which
is satisfied by a large class of systems (all C-infinity surface diffeomorphism with positive topological entropy)
and which has strong statistical consequences: for these systems, the ergodic measures maximizing the entropy have exponential decay of correlations and satisfy the central limit theorem.
This is a joint work with J. Buzzi and O. Sarig.
报告人简介:Sylvain Crovisier, 法国科学院研究员,Member of the Academy of Europe, Publication Mathematique de l'IHES编委。