
时间:2021/10/11, 15:30-16:30

腾讯会议:960 439 910


报告摘要:Let $A$, $B$ be two rings and $T=\left(\begin{smallmatrix}  A & M \\  0 & B \\\end{smallmatrix}\right)$ with $M$ an $A$-$B$-bimodule. Suppose that we are given two complete hereditary cotorsion pairs $(\mathcal{A}_{A},\mathcal{B}_{A})$ and $(\mathcal{C}_{B},\mathcal{D}_{B})$ in $A$-Mod and $B$-Mod respectively. We define two cotorsion pairs $(\Phi(\mathcal{A}_{A},\mathcal{C}_{B}), \mathrm{Rep}(\mathcal{B}_{A},\mathcal{D}_{B}))$ and $(\mathrm{Rep}(\mathcal{A}_{A},\mathcal{C}_{B}),\Psi(\mathcal{B}_{A},\mathcal{D}_{B}))$ in $T$-Mod and show that both of these cotorsion pairs are complete and hereditary.

If we are given two cofibrantly generated model structures $\mathcal{M}_{A}$ and $\mathcal{M}_{B}$ on $A$-Mod and $B$-Mod respectively, then using the result above, we investigate when there exists a cofibrantly generated model structure $\mathcal{M}_{T}$ on $T$-Mod and a recollement of $\mathrm{Ho}(\mathcal{M}_{T})$ relative to $\mathrm{Ho}(\mathcal{M}_{A})$ and $\mathrm{Ho}(\mathcal{M}_{B})$. Finally, some applications are given in Gorenstein homological algebra. This talk is a report on joint work with R.M. Zhu and Y.Y. Peng.







邀请人:白占强, 董超平