报告人:  Prof. Peter Pickl (Duke Kunshan University)




I shall present a new strategy forhandling mean field limits of quantum mechanical systems. The method is simpleand effective. It is simple, because it translates the idea behind the meanfield description of a many particle quantum system directly into amathematical algorithm. It is effective because the strategy yields with lesseffort better results than previously achieved. As an instructional example thetime dependent Hartree equation shall be derived under more general conditionsthan what has been considered so far.


Peter Pickl studied physics andmathematics at Ludwig-Maximilians University in München (LMU) and finished hisPHD in mathematics in 2005. The title of his thesis was Existence ofSpontaneous Pair Creation. He spent several years of postdoc in Tübingen,Vienna and Zürich working in the groups of Stefan Teufel, Jakob Yngvason andJürg Fröhlich. Since 2010 he is a professor at the mathematical institute atLMU and since April 2018 visiting professor of the recently founded DukeKunshan University. His research area is mathematical physics with a focus onthe effective description of many body systems.

