学术报告 (9.25):Trung: Asymptotic behaviour of the saturation degree
报告题目:Asymptotic behaviour of the saturation degree
报告人: N.V. Trung ( Vietnam Academy of Science and Technolog)
报告时间:2024年9月25日 16:00-17:00
摘要: Recently, Ein-Ha-Lazarsfeld proved that if I is a homogeneous ideal whose zero locus is a non-singular complex projective scheme, then the saturation degree sdeg I^n is bounded above by a linear function of n whose slope is less or equal the maximal generating degree of I. Inspired by the asymptotic behavior of the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, we show that for an arbitrary graded ideal I in an arbitrary graded ring, sdeg I^n is either a constant or a linear function for n large enough whose slope is one of the generating degrees of I.