报告地点:腾讯会议ID:206 921 047
In statistical machine learning, variance-like parameters for popular-used sub-classic distributions aim to identify some high probability event with constants-specified and data-dependent probability bounds for small sample size. Directly estimating the variance-like parameters based on empirical MGF is a non-convex problem with multiple possible solutions. To handle this challenging problem, we proposed a new definition of sub-R norms for studying concentration of sub-R distributions by maximizing a series of normalized higher-moments, borrowing insights from GANs and GMM. As essential cases, the proposed sub-Gaussian and -exponential norms could not only recover exponential upper bounds in their original MGF definitions, but also could construct tight Hoeffding- and Bernstein-type concentration inequalities for sum of independent random variables. For independent non-identically distributed data, it is easy to estimate the sub-R norms robustly and consistently by median-of-mean estimators. We also obtain tighter concentration inequalities for the function (includes general norms, suprema of unbounded empirical processes) of random vectors based on the sub-R norms, we also apply the results to study the Wasserstein distance concentration for empirical measures of unbounded data. The applications vary from the non-asymptotical excess risk bounds for learning under Lipschitz losses, the multi-armed bandit analysis by bootstrapped upper confidence bound in reinforcement learning, and the estimation of bounds on the Rademacher complexity and excess risk for learning under deep neural networks.
张慧铭,澳门大学濠江学者博士后、珠海澳门大学科技研究院助理研究员。于华中师范大学获得学士(2009-2013)和硕士(2013-2016)学位;于北京大学获得统计学博士学位(2016-2020)。研究方向为高维统计、机器学习理论、函数型数据、经验过程与高维概率论等。曾在Journal of the American Statistical Association,Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,Statistica Sinica,Journal of Complexity等国际学术权威期刊上发表论文,其中一篇论文为WOS高被引论文。曾获奖励有:国家奖学金(硕、博)、北大校长奖学金、BICMR北大数学研究生奖学金、湖北省优秀学士论文等。