报告题目:Smooth surface diffeomorphisms in positive entropy (VI):Yomdin theory
报告人: Jerome Buzzi(巴黎第十一大学,CNRS研究员)
报告时间:2021年11月16日 15:00-16:30
报告地点:腾讯会议ID:295 497 279
摘要: I will explain Yomdin's theory which is central to our result. In the C^infinity setting, the contribution to entropy of small scales goes uniformly to zero. To prove this, one uses the Taylor expansion at an appropriate scale and then deduce from the constant algebraic degree a uniform bound on a suitable differential size. Gromov formulated this relation as a particularly elegant algebraic lemma. This analysis shows that Misiurewicz local conditional entropy'' (nowadays called tail entropy) vanish in the C^infinity setting, a key point in our finiteness theorem.