报告人: 陈银(东北师大)

时间:11月17日 9-10点

腾讯会议: 905539914

报告摘要:Given a faithful finite-dimensional representation V of a finite group G over a field k, the invariant ring k[V]^G occupies the central position in understanding the quotient space V/G and the action of G on V. A fundamental task in invariant theory is to determine the structure of the invariant ring by seeking a homogeneous generating set. Usually, finding a generating set for k[V]^G in the modular case (i.e., char(k) divides the order of G) is harder than in the nonmodular case. The present talk introduces an approach to depict a homogeneous generating set for the modular invariant ring of the maximal parabolic subgroups of finite symplectic groups, demonstrating that these subgroups have complete intersection invariant rings. This talk is based on a joint work with R. James Shank and David L. Wehlau, and it also might be interesting to students who are working on modular representation theory, commutative algebra, and algebraic geometry.