报告人熊昌伟 (四川大学)

报告时间:20211123日(周二) 10:00-11:00 

报告地点:腾讯会议ID955 824 877

摘要: The electrostatic capacity of a conductor is an important classical physical concept and the estimates on it in terms of geometric quantities of the conductor have been an interesting topic. In this talk we will present several sharp bounds for the anisotropic p-capacity of compact sets in the Euclidean space under various conditions. This is a joint work with Ruixuan Li (Tsinghua University).


报告人简介:熊昌伟,男,2006.08--2010.07 和 2010.09--2015.07 于清华大学数学科学系依次攻读理学学士和理学博士学位,博士导师李海中教授;2015.07--2021.01于澳大利亚国立大学数学科学所从事博士后研究工作,合作导师Ben Andrews教授;2021.03至今任职于四川大学数学学院。研究方向为微分几何和几何分析,研究兴趣包括Steklov特征值问题,毛细管超曲面,两点极值原理,等周不等式,欧氏超曲面的各向异性几何等。


邀请人:王 奎