天元讲堂(10.13):冀书关: Periodic solutions of variable coefficient wave equations and Barbu et al.’s open problem
报告题目:Periodic solutions of variable coefficient wave equations and Barbu et al.’s open problem
报告摘要:The model of variable coefficient wave equation arises from the forced vibrations of a bounded nonhomogeneous string and the propagation of seismic waves in nonisotropic media. The problem of finding periodic solutions for this model was considered by Barbu and Pavel for the first time in (Trans Am Math Soc 349:2035–2048, 1997), where they required the variable coefficients must be strictly convex and left other cases as an open problem. In this talk, we shall recall Barbu et al.’s open problem and talk about some results on this topic.
报告人:东北师范大学 冀书关
时间:10月13日 10:40
地点:腾讯会议 (会议 ID:869 431 320)