报告人: Jerome Buzzi(巴黎第十一大学,CNRS研究员)

时间:202111月30日 15:00-16:30  


摘要:We will relate hyperbolic measures to two types of geometric


 1) any such measure is carried by a topological homoclinic class

HC(O) which we will decompose as into so-called small classes, i.e.,

closures of the transverse intersections of the stable and unstable

manifolds of points in O. The point here is that these manifolds are

connected, contrarily to those defined by whole periodic orbits.

 2) on a surface, any such measure can be covered by

su-quadrilaterals with small diameters, that is topological disks

bounds by segments of stable and unstable manifolds of a periodic

orbit related to the measures.

