题目:The necessary and sufficient conditions for the real Jacobian conjecture
报告人:赵育林 (中山大学)
时间:2021年12月6日 14:00-15:00
地点:腾讯会议(ID:944 877 722)
摘要:In this talk, we focus on investigating the real Jacobian conjecture. The talk consists of two parts. The first part is to study the two-dimensional real Jacobian conjecture via the method of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems. We provide some necessary and sufficient conditions such that the two-dimensional real Jacobian conjecture holds. Applying these results we present an algebraic criterion such that two-dimensional real Jacobian conjecture holds. This algebraic criterion improves the main result of Braun et al J. Differential Equations 260 (2016) 5250-5258. In the second part, the necessary and sufficient conditions on the n-dimensional real Jacobian conjecture is obtained. Using the tool from the nonlinear functional analysis, F(x) is a global injective if and only if the norm of F(x) approaches to infinite as the norm of x tends to infinity, which is a generalization of the algebraic criterion of two-dimensional.