报告人:刘长剑 (中山大学) 

时间:2021年12月6日 15:00-16:00  

地点:腾讯会议(ID:944 877 722

摘要:Dumortier and Roussarie proposed a conjecture in their paper (2009, Discrete Con. Dyn. Sys., 2, 723-781): For any positive integer q, q Abelian integrals over some non-algebraic curve, form a strict Chebyshev system. If this conjecture holds, then one can obtain the precise upper bound of the number of limit cycles that appear near a slow-fast Hopf point. In this talk we develop a method to estimate the number of zeros of Abelian integrals and prove this conjecture. This is a joint work with Prof. Chengzhi Li.
