系列短课程:Smooth surface diffeomorphisms in positive entropy (XI):Finiteness theorem continued
报告人: Jerome Buzzi(巴黎第十一大学,CNRS研究员)
时间:2021年12月7日 15:00-16:30
摘要:Lecture #9: Finiteness theorem
Abstract: We will finish the proof of the theorem by showing that, in the setting we have established, any topological crossing yields a transverse intersection. In this way we will obtain homoclinic relations between our measures with large entropy, a contradiction that proves the finiteness.
We will conclude this lecture by showing how the same ideas yield the upper semicontinuity of the number of ergodic mme's.
[Final lecture #10 will relate topological and measured dynamics, at the level of homoclinic classes and transitivity and mixing and discuss some open problems]