报告题目: Gap distribution of directions of planar point sets
报告人: 于树澄 教授(中国科学技术大学)
时间地点: 11月19日14点-15点,精正楼306
摘要: Given a planar point set with a constant density, one can study the limiting distribution of gaps for directions (i.e. projection to the unit sphere) of points from this point set in larger and larger disks. For primitive integer points an explicit formula for the limiting gap distribution function was obtained by Boca, Cobeli, and Zaharescu using analytic number theory. This formula was later extended by Marklof and Strömbergsson for any lattices using homogeneous dynamics. More recently, they showed the limiting gap distribution function exists for point sets of cut-and-project type. The main theme of the dynamical approach is that the limiting gap