报告题⽬:A Sharp Interface Method for Compressible Two-fluid Flows  


报告时间:2024 年 12 ⽉ ⽇(周三),14:00-15:30  

报告地点:精正楼 409  

摘要:In numerical simulations of two-fluid flows, there are two primary approaches: sharp  interface methods, which track the precise interface between fluids, and diffuse interface methods.  The advantage of diffuse interface methods is their use of unified equations to describe the  properties of both fluids across the entire computational domain, eliminating the need for explicit  interface tracking. However, these methods lack accuracy in capturing the exact interface position  and shape, leading to reduced precision in predicting quantities such as turbulence kinetic energy  dissipation. Sharp interface methods have mainly been developed for incompressible flows and  are less common for compressible flows. In response, an innovative sharp interface method for  compressible two-fluid flows is proposed, characterized by the following features:  1)Minimum number of equations (4 vs. 5, 6, or 7).  2)Governing equations with an eigen-structure identical to single-fluid flows, simplifying  computational complexity.  3)Clear, accurate capture of the interface position and shape, enhancing simulation precision.  

报告⼈简介:李泠泉,毕业于北卡罗莱纳州⽴⼤学机械与航空航天⼯程博⼠、复旦⼤学机 械⼯程硕⼠及⻄安交通⼤学机械⼯程学⼠。毕业后分别在乔治梅森⼤学计算流体⼒学实验 室和华盛顿⼤学航空航天系博⼠后研究员。在计算流体⼒学、间断伽辽⾦⽅法、多相可压 缩流体和⽔下爆炸模拟⽅⾯拥有丰富的研究经验,尤其擅⻓⾼性能计算⽅法。在研究⼯作 中,李博⼠开发和实现了多种先进的数值模型,在 Journal of Computational Physics、 Ocean EngineeringInternational Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow、 AIAA 会议上发表了多篇⾼质量学术期刊论⽂和会议论⽂,曾担任 Ocean Engineering、 Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 等学术期刊审稿⼈。
