
报告时间:2020/11/12(周四) 9:00-10:00

报告地点:腾讯会议,会议ID:849 572 167, 密码:123456

报告摘要: Let $f$ be a partially hyperbolic derived-from-Anosov diffeomorphism on 3-torus $T^3$. We show that the stable and unstable bundle of $f$ is jointly integrable if and only if $f$ is Anosov and admits spectrum rigidity in the center bundle. This proves the Ergodic Conjecture on $T^ 3$.

In higher dimensions, let $A\in SL(n,Z)$ be an irreducible hyperbolic matrix admitting complex simple spectrum with different moduli, then $A$ induces a diffeomorphism on $T^n$. We will also discuss the equivalence of integrability and spectrum rigidity for $f\in Diff^2(T^n)$ which is $C^1$-close to $A$.

