报告题目:Multiplicity of closed geodesics on Finsler compact non-simply connected manifolds
报告人: 刘会教授, 武汉大学
报告时间: 2020.11.25(星期三)下午:1:30 -- 2:30
报告地点: 腾讯会议,会议 ID:656 923 217(1:30-3:00)
报告摘要:For many years, there seem to be very few works on the multiplicity of closed geodesics on non-simply connected manifolds, the main reason is that the topological structures of the free loop spaces on these manifolds are not well known, so that the classical Morse theory is difficult to be applicable. In recent years, motivated by the studies on simply connected manifolds and closed characteristics on Hamiltonian energy surfaces, we study the topological structure of the contractible component and non-contractible component of the free loop space on Finsler real projective space and compact space form, which are typically non-simply connected manifolds, and then we establish some new resonance identities, which are successfully applied to get many multiplicity results of closed geodesics on these non-simply connected manifolds. In this talk, I will give a survey of our results.