报告人: 胡红梅(苏州科技大学)
报告时间:  2020年11月21日(周六)上午 10:00-11:00
报告地点:  维格堂119

报告摘要:We will build up the related theory of weakly

quasitriangular dual pairs suitably for non-standard R-matrices (irregular), and

establish the generalized double-bosonization construction for irregular R-matrices,

which generalizes Majid's results for regular R-matrices. As an

application, we will take about the type-crossing construction for the exceptional

quantum group of type G2. This affirms Majid's expectation that the tree structure of nodes diagram associated with quantum groups can be grown out of the node

corresponding to U_q(sl_2) by the (generalized) double-bosonization procedures.
