报告题目:Spontaneous Emission Error Design
报告人:常彦勋 教授 (北京交通大学)
报告时间:2012年11月22日 上午9:30-11:00
腾讯会议:ID:541 345 002
A t-spontaneous emission error design (t-SEED) was introduced by Beth et al. in 2003 to construct quantum jump codes. The number of designs (dimension) in a t-SEED corresponds to the number of orthogonal basis states in a quantum jump code. A non-degenerate t-SEED is optimal if it has the largest possible dimension. In this talk the bounds on the dimensions of 2-SEEDs are summarized. The exact dimensions of optimal 2-(v,3;m) SEEDs are determined. General upper bounds on dimensions of 2-(v,4;m) SEEDs are demonstrated, the corresponding leave graphs are described.