报告人:向青教授 (南方科技大学)
报告摘要:An m-ovoid in the symplectic polar space W(2r − 1, q) is a set M of points such that every maximal of W(2r − 1, q) meets M in exactly m points. A 1-ovoid in W(2r − 1, q) is simply called an ovoid. Ovoids in W(2r − 1, q) (and more generally in any classical polar space) were first defined by Thas (1981). The concept of an ovoid was later generalized to that of m-ovoid by Thas (1989) and Shult/Thas (1994). We discuss a new method for constructing m-ovoids in the symplectic polar space W(2r−1, q) from cyclotomic strongly regular graphs constructed in a paper by Brouwer, Wilson and Xiang (1999). Using this method, we obtain many new m-ovoids which can not be derived by field reduction. This talk is based on joint work with Tao Feng and Ye Wang, both of Zhejiang University