报告时间:2021年4月21日, 10:00-11:00
报告地点:腾讯会议:558 295 983
报告摘要:An enhanced algebraic group is a product variety $GL(V)\times V$, endowed with an enhanced cross product. Associated with a natural tensor representation, there are naturally Levi and parabolic Schur algebras respectively. We precisely investigate their structures, and study the dualities on the enhanced tensor representations for variant groups and algebras. In this course, an algebraic model of so-called degenerate double Hecke algebras (dDHA) is produced, and becomes a powerful implement. With aid of this, we obtain a parabolic Schur-Weyl duality. The parabolic Schur subalgebra turns out to have only one block. The Cartan invariants for this algebra are precisely determined. This is a joint work with Yunpeng Xue and Yufeng Yao.
邀请人:白占强, 董超平