题目:Linear response formula for the topological entropy at the time one map of a geodesic flow on a manifold of  negative curvature

报告人:Carlos Vasquez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)

时间:2020/5/8 10:00-11:00


报告摘要:Let $f$ be the time one map of a geodesic flow on a manifold of constant negative curvature with $\mu$ its Liouville measure. Consider $f_t$, a $C^3$ family of diffeomorphisms with $f_0=f$. In this talk we discuss about the differentiability of the map $t\mapsto h_{\rm top}(f_t)$ at $t=0$, and we provide an explicit formula for its derivative. 

This is a joint work with Pancho Valenzuela-Henr\'iquez and Radu Saghin from PUCV.




会议时间:2020/5/08 10:00-11:30 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3141591122?pwd=aWVGMGI2YkJQOXlEbk5IckRaRER2Zz09

会议 ID:314 159 1122
