天元讲堂(2020.6.1):Low dimensional strongly perfect lattices
题目:Low dimensional strongly perfect lattices
报告人:胡思煌教授 (山东大学)
时间:2020/6/1 14:00-15:00
报告摘要:Sphere packing is the problem of arranging non-overlapping congruent spheres in Euclidean spaces,
with the goal of maximizing the combined volume of the spheres. Lattice sphere packings are very important as
they provide some of the densest packings. In this talk, we will introduce the problem of sphere packing
and the classification problem of low dimensional strongly perfect lattices.
会议时间:2020/6/1 14:00-15:00 https://zoom.com.cn/j/2936654514
会议 ID:2936654514