学术报告(8月13日)王瑾: q-正交多项式的一些新进展
报告题目: q-正交多项式的一些新进展
报 告 人: 王瑾博士 (浙江师范大学)
报告地点: 维格堂319室
报告时间: 2022年8月13日10:30~11:30
In this talk, I will report some ideas on the study of q-discrete/continuous orthogonal polynomials. By introducing new matrix operations and using the technique of matrix inversions, we establish the dual forms of the orthogonality relations for some well-known orthogonal polynomials from the Askey-scheme such as the little and big q-Jacobi, q-Racah, q-Laguerre, as well as the Askey-Wilson polynomials. As one of the most interesting results, we show that the Askey-Wilson $q$-beta integral represented in terms of the VWP-balanced $\,_8\phi_7$ series is indeed a dual form of the orthogonality relation of the Askey-Wilson polynomials.