Summer school on mathematical finance
July 8 - July 19, Soochow University, Suzhou
Sponsors:    Soochow University
Organizers:  School of mathematical sciences
               Mathematical center for inter-discipline research
               Center for financial engineering
Course One:  Quantitative Risk Management
Teachers:  Prof Steve Kou, NUS; Prof Peng, Xianhua, HKUST
Abstract: This module covers quantitative models and methods used for financial risk management. The topics discussed include copula and multivariate distributions, principal component analysis, extreme value theory axiomatic framework of risk measures, computation of risk measures, capital allocation, credit risk management, etc.
Course Two:  Financial Modeling and Computation
Teacher: Prof Dai, Min,  NUS
This module is designed to impart to students more in-depth knowledge of derivative pricing and portfolio selection. Major topics: binomial tree method, Black-Scholes equation, volatility smile and improvement of Black-Scholes model, American and Bermudan options and  their computation, exotic and path-dependent options, continuous-time portfolio selection, etc.
Classroom:   览秀楼105  
9:00 - 12:00
2:00 - 5:00
July 8,  Monday
Dai, Min
July 9,  Tuesday
Dai, Min
July 10, Wednesday
Dai, Min
July 11, Thursday
Peng, Xianhua
July 12, Friday
Peng, Xianhua
July 13, Saturday
Peng, Xianhua
July 14, Sunday
July 15, Monday
Steve Kou
Dai, Min
July 16, Tuesday
Steve Kou
July 17, Wednesday
Dai, Min
July 18, Thursday
Steve Kou
Exam I
July 19, Friday
Dai, Min
Exam II