报告时间:6月2日 北京时间20:00-21:00                                               


       会议 ID:153 869 568

报告人: 李康 比利时天主教鲁汶大学 KU Leuven in Belgium.  


A (concrete) C*-algebra is a norm-closed self-adjoint sub-algebra of the bounded operators on a Hilbert space. Thanks to a theorem of Gelfand, Naimark and Segal, every commutative C*-algebra is -isomorphic to C_0(X) for some locally compact Hausdorff space X. This justifies the jargon that the study of C*-algebras is non- commutative topology. Recently, the classification of C*-algebras has culminated in an outstanding theorem which says that all separable, simple, unital, nuclear, Z-stable C*-algebras satisfying the universal coefficient theorem are classified by their Elliott-invariant.

In this talk, we are mainly interested in the classification of C*-algebras arising from topological dynamical systems. More precisely, when such C*-algebras satisfy all the assumptions in the above theorem. Especially, we will outline how the Ornstein-Weiss tiling argument and the small boundary property from topological dynamics play important roles in verifying Z-stability.
