报告人: 祁力群(香港理工大学)

报告人简介:祁力群,江苏常熟人, 香港理工大学应用数学系主任教授。1968年毕业于清华大学,1984年获美国威斯康星大学计算机系博士学位。1981-1999 ISI 高引用科学家,1981-1999年间国际最具影响力数学之一。2003-2004 年获香港理工大学校长奖,2010 年获第二届中国运筹学会科学技术奖一等奖。在国际杂志发表论文300多篇,Computational Optimization ApplicationPacific Journal of Optimization10个国际学术刊物的杂志编委成员。在2005年提出了张量特征值,在开創张量谱理论和结构张量理论作了一系列工作。在20174月于SIAM出版Tensor Analysis: Spectral Theory and Special Tensors 一書。



Title 1. The Applications of Tensor Eigenvalues, Positive Semi-Definite Tensors and Copositive Tensors in Physics

Abstract: Recently, European physicists applied tensor eigenvalues, positive semi-definite tensors and copositive tensors to the study of quantum spin states, quantum field theory, liquid crystal and super-gravitation.After seeing these, we explored these research topics and conducted some joint research with them.In this talk, I review this development.

Time: 2017, May 19, 15:30—16:20


Title 2. Third Order Tensors and Hypermatrices

Abstract. Third order tensors have wide applications in mechanics, physics and engineering.The most famous and useful third order tensor is the piezoelectric tensor, which plays a key role in the piezoelectric effect, first discovered by Curie brothers. On the other hand, the Levi-Civita tensor is famous in tensor calculus. In this paper, we study third order tensors and hypermatrices systematically, by regarding a third order tensor as a linear operator which transforms a second order tensor into a first order tensor, or a first order tensor into a second order tensor. For a third order tensor, we define its transpose, kernel tensor and L-inverse. The transpose of a third order tensor is uniquely defined. In particular, the transpose of the piezoelectric tensor is the inverse piezoelectric tensor (the electrostriction tensor).
Time: 2017, May 19, 16:30—17:20