报告题目:Whittaker Modules for the Derivation Lie Algebra of Torus with Two Variables


报告人: 张秀福博士(江苏师范大学)


报告时间:5月28日 16:30-17:30


报告地点: 维格堂119

摘要:Let $/mathcal{L}$ be the derivation Lie algebra of ${/mathbb C}[t_1^{/pm 1},t_2^{/pm 1}]$. Given a triangle decomposition $/mathcal{L} =/mathcal{L}^{+}/oplus/mathfrak{h}/oplus/mathcal{L}^{-}$, we define a nonsingular Lie algebra homomorphism $/psi:/mathcal{L}^{+}/rightarrow/mathbb{C}$ and the universal Whittaker $/mathcal{L}$-module $W_{/psi}$ of type $/psi$. We obtain all Whittaker vectors and submodules of $W_{/psi}$, and all simple Whittaker $/mathcal{L}$-modules of type $/psi$.