报告题目:Pseudo-modular Surfaces from Hyperbolic Jigsaws
报告人:Prof. Ser Peow Tan (陈史标教授,新加坡国立大学)



摘要:Darren Long and Alan Reid defined a pseudo-modular surface to be a hyperbolic surface which has cusp set all of the rationals, but which is not commensurable to the modular surface. We will show how to construct pseudo-modular surfaces by piecing together suitable marked hyperbolic ideal triangle tiles. In particular, we will show that this allows us to construct infinitely non-commensurable Pseudo-modular surfaces, which answers a question of Darren Long and Alan Reid. This is joint work with Beicheng Lou and Vo Anh Duc.


见陈史标教授个人网页 http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~mattansp/