报告题目: Modular invariants and fractional Dehn twists
报告人:刘小雷 副教授(大连理工大学)
时间: 2021年6月18日下午 2点-3点
地点:腾讯会议 722296481
报告摘要: Modular invariants are basic in the study of fibrations of algebraic surfaces and moduli spaces of algebraic curves. These invariants are important in other mathematical branches, such as arithmetic geometry and ordinary differential equations. In this talk, I will show that modular invariants are also fundamental in low-dimensional topology. I will explain the relation between modular invariants of fibrations and fractional Dehn twist coefficients of Riemann surface automorphisms, and give an application of this connection.
刘小雷,大连理工大学副教授.博士毕业于华东师范大学,主要从事代数几何的研究. 在Pacific J. Math, C.R. Math, Scieice in China 等高水平杂志发表论文多篇.主持与参与过多项国家科研项目.