2016年99905银河在线登录平台师生在三大检索(SCI, EI,SSCI)以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文一览表
序号 | 第一/通讯作者 | 题名 | 刊名 |
1 | 朱广俊 | A lower bound for stanley depth of squarefree monomial ideals | Turkish Journal of Mathematics |
2 | 朱广俊 | Shellability of simplicial complexes and simplicial complexes with the free vertex property | Turkish Journal of Mathematics |
3 | 陈中文 | A line search exact penalty method with bi-object strategy for nonlinear constrained optimization | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics |
4 | 陈中文 | On the superlinear local convergence of a penalty-free method for nonlinear semidefinite programming | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics |
5 | 陈中文 | A Globally convergent penalty-free method for optimization with equality constraints and simple bounds | Acta Applicandae Mathematicae |
6 | 杜锐 | Two-Level Additive Schwarz Methods Using Rough Polyharmonic Splines-Based Coarse Spaces | CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B |
7 | 陈景润 | Towards a unified macroscopic description of exciton diffusion in organic semiconductors | Communications in Computational Physics |
8 | 陈景润 | On a Schrodinger-Landau-Lifshitz system: Variational structure and numerical methods | Multiscale Modeling & Simultaiton |
9 | 季利均 | New families of optimal frequency hopping sequence sets | IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory |
10 | 季利均 | Frequency hopping sequences with optimal partial hamming correlation | IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory |
11 | 季利均 | Existence of optimal strong partially balanced 3-designs with block size four | Designs, Codes, and Cryptography |
12 | 季利均 | Constructions of Strictly m-Cyclic and Semi-Cyclic H (m, n, 4, 3) | Journal of Combinatorial Designs |
13 | 王岳宝 | On the structure of a class of distributions obeying the principle of a single big jump | Probability and Mathematical Statistics-Poland |
14 | 王岳宝 | On the strong convergence of weighted sums of widely dependent random variables | Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods |
15 | 成凤旸 | Local Precise Large and Moderate Deviations for Sums of Independent Random Variables | Chinese Annals of Mathematics |
16 | 周圣高 | Stochastic Level-Set Variational Implicit-Solvent Approach to Solute-Solvent Interfacial Fluctuations | Journal of Chemical Physics |
18 | 沈玉良 | A unified approach to the weighted Grotzsch and Nitsche problems for mappings of finite distortion | Sci. China Math. |
19 | 沈玉良 | On Douady-Earle extension and the contractibility of the VMO-Teichmuller space | J. Math. Anal. Appl. |
20 | 葛洵 | A Note on Partial b-Metric Spaces | Mediterr. J. Math. |
21 | 葛洵 | Balls in generalizations of metric spaces | Journal of Inequalities and Applications |
22 | 程东亚 | On the strong convergence of weighted sums of widely dependent random variables | Communications in Statistics : Theory and Methods |
23 | 吴俊德 | Stationary solutions of a free boundary problem modeling the growth of tumors with Gibbs–Thomson relation | Journal of Differential Equations |
24 | 毛仁荣 | Asymptotic formulas for M2-ranks of partitions without repeated odd parts | Journal of number theory |
25 | 徐玉红 | Multidimensional dynamic risk measure via conditional g-expectation | Mathematical Finance |
26 | 徐玉红 | An existence theorem for multidimensional BSDEs with mixed reflections | Comptes Rendus Mathematique |
27 | 钱定边 | Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear problems with singular φ-Laplacian via a geometric approach | Boundary Value Problems |
28 | 丘京辉 | An Equilibrium Version of Set-Valued Ekeland Variational Principle and its Applications to Set-Valued Vector Equilibrium Problems | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series |
29 | 丘京辉 | An equilibrium version of vectorial Ekeland variational principle and its applications to equilibrium problems | Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications |
30 | 丘京辉 | Set-valued pseudo-metric families and Ekeland’s variational principles in fuzzy metric spaces | Fuzzy Sets and Systems |
31 | 黄毅生 | Sign-changing solutions for p-biharmonic equations with Hardy potential in the half-space | Journal of Mathematical Analysis Applications |
32 | 黄毅生 | On finding solutions of a Kirchhoff type problem | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society |
33 | 黄毅生 | On a Biharmonic Equation with Steep Potential Well and Indefinite Potential | Advanced Nonlinear Studies |
34 | 周育英 | Optimization problems involving the fractional Laplacian | Electronic Journal of Differential Equations |
35 | 赵云 | Maximal integral over observable measures | Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) |
36 | 赵云 | Erratum to: Scaled entropy for dynamical systems | J. Stat. Phys. |
37 | 王奎 | Isoperimetric Comparisons via Viscosity | The Journal of Geometric Analysis |
38 | 王奎 | Serrin's regularity results for the incompressible liquid crystals system | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A |
39 | 陆芳言 | Reduced Crossed Products Associated with Banach Algebra Dynamical Systems | Integral Equations and Operator Theory |
40 | 陆芳言 | Multiplicative preservers of higher-dimensional numerical ranges | LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS |
42 | 卢丹诚 | Algebraically rigid simplicial complexes and graphs | Journal of pure and applied algebra |
43 | 卢丹诚 | Bounds for arithemetic degrees | Communications in algebra |
44 | 史恩惠 | Topological conjugation classes of tightly transitive subgroups of Homeo+(R). | Colloq. Math. Vol.145 |
45 | 史恩惠 | Sensitive open maps on Peano continua having a free arc. | Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) Vol. 32 |
46 | 秦文新 | Secondary invariants of Birkhoff minimizers and heteroclinic orbits | Journal of Differential Equations |
47 | 杨凌 | Dynamical mechanism of circadian singularity behavior in | Physica A |
48 | 黎先华 | The Indices of Subgroups of Finite Groups in the Join of Their Conjugate Pairs | Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society |
50 | 唐忠明 | On the Regularity of Operations of Ideals | Communications in Algebra |
51 | 唐忠明 | ON THE REGULARITY OF OPERATIONS OF IDEALS | Communications in Algebra |
52 | 卢培培 | A robust multilevel method for the time-harmonic Maxwell equation with high wave number | SIAM. J. Sci.Comput |
53 | 卢培培 | An absolutely stable hp-HDG method for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations with high wave number | Mathematics of Computation |
54 | 孙智宏 | Congruences for Catalan-Larcombe-French numbers | Publ. Math. Debrecen |
55 | 王岳宝 | The local asymptotic estimation for the supremum of a random walk with generalized strong subexponential summands | Statistical Papers |
56 | 曹永罗 | On Pesin’s entropy formula for dominated splittings without mixed behavior | Journal of Differential Equations |
57 | 曹永罗 | The Hausdorff dimension estimation for an ergodic hyperbolic measure of C1-diffeomorphism | Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. |
58 | 顾振华 | Automorphisms of subconstituents of unitary graphs over finite fields | Linear and Multilinear Algebra |
59 | 王志国 | A new method for the boundedness of semilinear Duffing equations at resonance | Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst |
60 | 马欣荣 | A DETERMINANT IDENTITY IMPLYING THE LAGRANGE–GOOD INVERSION FORMULA | Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society |