时间:2021年08月05日, 9:00-10:00
地点:腾讯会议:249 853 214
报告摘要:Einstein manifold has been one of the core topics in differential geometry for several decades. In this talk, we will concentrate on the construction of non-naturally reductive Einstein metrics on compact Lie groups based on the structure of generalized Wallach spaces (also called three-locally-symmetric spaces). The result gives a positive answer to W. Ziller and M. Wang’s question. Then we will introduce our work on the project of geodesic orbit spaces, which gives a positive answer to Yu.G. Nikonorov’s question. This is an adjoint work with Zhiqi Chen, Shaoqiang Deng and Joseph A. Wolf.
报告人简介:陈慧斌,江苏南京人,南京师范大学讲师,从事李理论与微分几何的研究。2009年9月-2013年6月,就读于南京师范大学99905银河在线登录平台;2013年9月-2018年12月,于南开大学数学学院基础数学专业攻读博士学位,师从邓少强教授;2017年10月-2018年10月,于加州大学伯克利分校联合培养,外籍导师为Joseph A. Wolf。毕业后进入南京师范大学99905银河在线登录平台工作至今。
邀请人:白占强, 董超平